Wednesday, July 15, 2009

obvious or oblivious?

I really shot myself in the foot when I originally dealt with Andy's interruption problem. I explained that if he needed us when we were talking he was to say, "Excuse me, I have something to say."

Well, you can imagine how that unfolded. I'd be talking to Shawn about something and Andy would be hopping up and down saying, "EXCUSE ME I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY EXCUSE ME I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY EXCUSE ME MOMMY I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAAAAAYYYY!" And when I'd stop talking to Shawn and ask him what he needed to say, it was always, "Um......uuuuuummm......I see a bird."

Yeah. It totally backfired.

So the other day in the car he was being so rude that I had to remedy the situation. After 5 minutes of trying to carry on a conversation with my husband I gave up and turned to Andy in his car seat.

"Andy", I said. "You don't seem to understand about this interrupting thing. It's not okay to interrupt grown-ups to say any old thing. You need to respect us when we're talking and wait until we're finished."

Then, for some reason, I added, "The only time it's okay to interrupt is if you get hurt. Then you can say, 'Mommy, excuse me, I'm hu--'"

And then he interrupted me, saying (you guessed it),"Mommy! Excuuuuse me! Mommy I'm HURT!"

Shawn laughed his ass off and asked me why I hadn't seen that coming.

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