Monday, August 3, 2009

my kid's a jerk

On the way home from an aiport run today, Andy was entertained by his portable DVD player. And thank the Lord for them, because it's a 2-hour round trip and he'd otherwise chatter the entire way.

About 20 minutes from home the movie ended. Being the driver I wasn't willing to insert another DVD and instead just turned it off. This infuriated my son.


(Toddlers are never shy about telling you exactly what they want from you in the most direct way possible.)

In plain English I told him no, and when the whining commenced I turned up the radio and stopped listening to him.

Two minutes later he was still grumbling and I tuned him back in just in time to hear, ".....and I'm going to throw sand in your eyes, Mommy!"

I turned to him at a stoplight and said, "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME? I hope I did NOT just hear you say you're going to put sand in my eyes because you're angry at me."

He just stared at me and considered his options.

"What did you just say to me, Andy?"

He hesitated and then said, "Um, I said...............'duck', Mommy. I said 'duck'."

That's what I thought he said. What a jerk.

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