Andy talks a lot. A lot.
The thing that Shawn and I find the funniest is his repertoire of commands.
It started out a few months ago with a few: Grab it, take it, have it, hold it.
Grab it = grab that and give it to me.
Take it = take this from my hand.
Have it = I want that.
Hold it = Hold it for me - or possibly - I want to hold that.
He's really mastered the two-word command.
Here's his current list of commands that we hear on a daily basis:
Grab it
Take it
Have it
Hold it
Pick it
Snatch it
Throw it
Drive it
Kiss it (he holds out whatever body part he's hurt in my face and says, "Kiss it!")
Scratch it
Hug it
Wipe it
Carry it
Climb it
Slide it
Slice it
Stab it (this is a fork thing)
I'm sure there are more that I can't remember. Sometimes Shawn and I will crack ourselves up just repeating this list to each other, in the same bossy tone that Andy uses when he orders us around.