Friday, September 5, 2008


Last night Shawn and I were cleaning up the kitchen whilst Andy piddled around. Shawn was doing the dishes and I went into the living room for some reason. When I returned, Andy had vanished. This is always scary for me, even in the home, because the two main options were the stairs or the vicinity of the very valuable, antique, glass, family china cabinet.

I ran in there. No Andy. I ran up the stairs, afraid he was about to tumble down them and crack his skull open. No Andy. Okay, this is getting scary.

I ran back down to the kitchen and called frantically, "Andy! Andy! Where are you?!?!?"

From under the kitchen table I heard a little voice nonchalantly call , "Eating cat food."

He was. I said, "You're eating cat food!?!?"

He said, in a deadpan impression of me, "Oh great."

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