Thursday, October 8, 2009

still screwing up. me, that is.

Today I went to Petco with Nugget and Andy in tow. It was rough. I was lugging around a 28-pound bag of kitty litter, trying desperately to get assistance from the slack-jawed employees who went out of their way to ignore me, all the while watching Andy inch along the filthy floor on his belly running his hair through the dirt, shoplifting dog biscuits and secretly feeding them to Nugget behind my back.

I was fried. F-r-i-e-d.

So in the checkout line, with Nugget wrapping the leash around my leg and my shoulder partially dislocated from the weight of the tub of litter, Andy decided to start hitting the dog in the face. Just hitting her to be mean, with an evil look on his face. She couldn't understand why he was beating on her.

And I did what parents aren't supposed to do... I snapped and said, "Stop it you bad kid!"

And his face clouded up and he said, "I'm not bad!"

I immediately corrected myself and said, "No honey, you aren't bad but what you did to Nugget was very mean."

But it was too late. He pouted. Then he looked up at the cashier and said, "Hey ma'am?"

She didn't hear him, so he repeated himself. "Hey ma'am?"

Then he pointed at me and said, "Mommy hurt my feelings."

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